NewEdge, Inc. is a growth, strategy and design firm that delivers on new opportunities for start-ups through to Fortune 500 companies. Known as the Opportunity Thinking Company, NewEdge helps their clients focus on broader opportunities, rather than individual ideas. NewEdge’s unique process of blending principles of research, strategy and design, stretches clients’ thinking, creates breakthrough innovations and develops new products, services and brands that deliver growth.

Established 10 years ago in Washington State by CEO and co-founder, Pam Henderson,  NewEdge still continues to develop new ways of visualizing their methods and techniques. In 2013, Henderson wrote her first book, “You Can Kill an Idea, but You Can’t Kill an Opportunity! How to Discover New Sources of Growth for Your Organization” which beautifully depicts NewEdge’s Opportunity Thinking concepts and principles through fun, creative imagery and captivating stories.

For more information about NewEdge or Pam’s book, please visit:, or follow NewEdge on Twitter at: @newedgeteam.